Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Analysis of The Race by Karen Gershon Free Essay Example, 750 words

Karen s autobiographical touch that has been used to focus on the life of refugees cannot be wholly accepted as the voice of the Jews together. Race is more of an emotional outburst of a child rather than a developed writer; in addition, the poet appears to treat herself as a messenger who would like to hold an identity for the Jew refugees. Karen and her sister were sent by their parents through Kindertransport to England as refugees. But circumstances went unfavorable leaving Karen alone and this stood as an enhancing factor to realize alienation. Karen had to search for living amidst the racial differences showered on the Jewish community. Karen s literary works carry the background of her childhood and the influence of World War II on their community. Karen wishes to establish her identity which is repeatedly reflected in use of words like My face , I and that appears to be due to the racial problems experienced by her and other children. However, the argument that the poem re produces the feature of Jewish Literature remains unanswered. According to Lawson s observation gives a hint at the nature of Jewish poetry, he observes the Anglo Jewish Poets maintained marginality"[p-6] so their voice for identity cannot be considered as a voice of the whole Jewish community. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of The Race by Karen Gershon or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page

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